Vaughan Ellis
Business School
Edinburgh Napier University
United Kingdom
Module Leader for Labour Relations, Understanding Research Philosophy and Managing the Employment Relationship. Prog Leader MSc IHRM Have acted as senior invigilator during examinations, designed modules and programmes, represented my subject group on School and University committees & completed a wide range of course administration. Am the Dissertation Co-coordinator for my present group and performed the same role in my previous job. I have also been Divisional Library representative and Year Tutor on MSc HRM at GCU. Programme Leader - MSc International HRM., Deputy leader Public Services Research Cluster. Elected to University Court 2012. Member of ENU JCC/JNCC since 2007. I co-organised the 2009 International Labour Process Conference and had sole responsibility for planning and running the pre-conference Doctoral workshop
Research Interest
Human resources
Taylor, P., Baldry, C., Bain, P. & Ellis, V. (2003). A unique working environment: health, sickness and absence management in UK call centres. Work, Employment and Society. 17, 435-458. doi:10.1177/09500170030173002. ISSN 0950-0170
Ellis, V. & Taylor, P. (2006). You don't know what you've got till it's gone: Recontextualising the origins, development and impact of the call centre. New technology, work and employment. 21, 107-122. doi:10.1111/j.1468-005X.2006.00167.x. ISSN 1468-005X
Ellis, V. & Taylor, M. (2010). Banks, bailouts and bonuses: a personal account of working in Halifax Bank of Scotland during the financial crisis. Work, Employment and Society. 24(4), 803-812. doi:10.1177/0950017010380649. ISSN 0950-0170