Monica Craciun
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
United Kingdom
Monica Craciun is Associate Professor in Nanoscience at the University of Exeter, which she joined in 2010 as research fellow and was promoted to senior lecturer in 2012. She holds a PhD in Applied Physics from Delft University of Technology and was awarded a fellowship of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science at the University of Tokyo. Her expertise lies in the studies of two dimensional materials such as graphene and of organic materials. She has strong track record of interdisciplinary collaboration with a research output in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology, materials science, physics and chemistry.
Research Interest
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Mehew JD, Unal S, Torres Alonso E, Jones GF, Fadhil Ramadhan S, Craciun MF, Russo S. Fast and Highly Sensitive Ionic Polymer Gated WS2-Graphene Photodetectors, Advanced Materials, (2017)
Nagareddy KV, Barnes MD, Zipoli F, Lai KT, Alexeev AM, Craciun MF, Wright CD. Multilevel Ultra-Fast Flexible Nanoscale Non-Volatile Hybrid Graphene Oxide - Titanium Oxide Memories, ACS Nano (2017).
Adolfo De Sanctis, Dominique J. Wehenkel, Gareth F. Jones, Francisco Bezares, Frank H. L. Koppens, Monica F. Craciun, and Saverio Russo. Extraordinary linear dynamic range in laser-defined functionalized graphene photodetectors. Science Advances (2017).