Luhanga Musumadi
Clinical nurse specialist - sickle cell disease /
Haematology nursing
Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom
Luhanga was employed by Guy's and St Thomas' in 2008 to co-ordinate the transition of adolescents from children's into adult care, developing the transition pathway and the academic health sciences centre to develop age appropriate services, meeting the needs of adolescents and young adults with a chronic illness. The was the first post within haemoglobinopathies in the UK. Previously Luhanga was a charge nurse for a newly opened nurse-led sickle cell and thalasaemia day care service, this was the first walk-in day care sickle cell pain management service in the UK. Education and training: Registered General Nurse, Zambia (1995); BSc (Hons) health studies, Wolverhampton University (2006); ENB N08 - haemoglobinopathy, Nottingham (2001)
Research Interest
Ckle cell disease and teenagers and young adults