Professor William Fitzgerald
Department of Classics
King's College London
United Kingdom
"After a BA at Oxford in Classics (1974) I took a PhD at Princeton University in Comparative Literature (1981) and then taught in the States for many years, at the University of California (San Diego and Berkeley). I returned to the UK in 2003 to teach at Cambridge and moved to King¹s in 2007. My research has focused mainly on Latin poetry, but has also taken in Latin prose (Pliny the Younger and Apuleius) as well as topics in comparative literature and classical reception. I have written monographs on Pindar and the European Pindaric tradition, on Catullus, and on slavery in Latin literature. My latest book is Martial: the Epigrammatic World, which came out in 2007. At the moment I am working on variety and miscellany in Latin literature and finishing a little book on Latin poetry for the Latinless. I am interested in supervising PhD students in: Latin literature (especially Latin lyric, epigram and elegiac poetry; Latin letters; Roman novel; Aulus Gellius) Roman slavery and literature Topics in comparative literature and reception of the Classics"
Research Interest
"Latin poetry; Latin prose; Comparative literature; Classical reception"