C J Armitage
Health Psychology
University of Manchester
United Kingdom
Panel of external referees for the National Institute of Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme (February 2012-present) External examiner for the MSc in Health Psychology at University College London (January 2012-present) Editorial board of Health Psychology (June 2011-present) Editorial board of the Psychology of Sport and Exercise (June 2011-present) Panel of external referees for the National Institute of Health Research Public Health Research programme (February 2009-present) Viva examiner to the Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology, Staffordshire University (01/08/08-31/07/16) Associate editor of Psychology & Health (January 2008-present) Associate editor of British Journal of Psychology (January 2007-December 2012)
Research Interest
Neuroscience & Mental Health
Development of an implementation intention-based intervention to change children’s and parent-carers’ behaviour
Do Electronic Cigarettes Increase Cigarette Smoking in UK Adolescents? Evidence from a 12-month Prospective Study
Do Self-Incentives Change Behavior? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis