Jill Barber
Pharmacy & Optometry
University of Manchester
United Kingdom
Jill Barber attended a South London comprehensive school, and resolved at the age of 12 to study chemistry at Cambridge. She realised this ambition six years later, at a time when one in seven students and one in 10 chemistry students was a woman, and most of the others had attended public schools. She completed undergraduate studies in Cambridge followed by a PhD in Bioorganic Chemistry under the supervision of Professor Jim Staunton FRS. She settled in Manchester after a five-year tour of some of the oldest universities in Europe, where she learned a certain amount of biochemistry, German and 16th century choral music.
Research Interest
Global Proteomic Analysis of Human Liver Microsomes: Rapid Characterization and Quantification of Hepatic Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes
Cross-laboratory evaluation of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) abundances and correlation with catalytic activity
Quantitative Characterization of Major Hepatic UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase Enzymes in Human Liver Microsomes: Comparison of Two Proteomic Methods and Correlation with Catalytic Activity