John Gigg
Social Sciences
University of Manchester
United Kingdom
I am currently a Lecturer within the Systems Neuroscience Research Group of the Faculty of Life Sciences. I was originally appointed Lecturer at UMIST in late 2002 and then transferred to FLS with the merger of the two Universities. I obtained my PhD in Biology from The Open University in 1991 where I studied the neural correlates of memory formation in the chick with Prof Steven PR Rose. I then took several post-doctoral appointments, firstly in the Brain Research Institute at UCLA (USA), then the Clinique Neurologique at the University of Rennes II (France), the Department of Psychology at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and finally the Department of Psychology at the University of Newcastle (UK) before taking up my first permanent academic position at Manchester, where I am also one of the postgraduate tutors for Neuroscience students in FLS.
Research Interest
Electrophysiology, hippocampus, Alzheimer's disease, Schizophrenia, Mouse, Rat
Postnatal light alters hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function and induces a depressive-like phenotype in adult mice
Bursting neurons in the hippocampal formation encode features of LFP rhythms
Water and T-maze protocols are equally efficient methods to assess spatial memory in 3xTg Alzheimer’s disease mice