Robert Dryfe
Physical Chemistry
University of Manchester
United Kingdom
ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS: - Professor, Physical chemistry, University of Manchester (2008-present) - Reader, University of Manchester (2006-2008) - Senior Lecturer, UMIST/University of Manchester (2003-2006) - one year sabbatical, 2003/04, spent partly in Switzerland and US - Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, UMIST (1997-2003) POST-DOCTORAL APPOINTMENTS (1995-1997): Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Royal Society European Exchange Fellow, 1995-96) ; Physical & Theoretical Chemistry Lab at Oxford University (1851 Research Fellow, 1996-97)
Research Interest
KEYWORDS: Electrochemistry, electrodeposition/electroless deposition, liquid-liquid interfaces, electrochemical sensors, electrochemical energy storage/conversion. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS: Electrochemistry of Graphene and other 2D materials Electrochemistry/electrocatalysis at the Liquid-Liquid Interface
Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Performance of Cuprous Oxide/Graphene Nanohybrids
Controlled Electrodeposition of Gold Nanoparticles onto Copper-Supported Few-Layer Graphene in Non-Aqueous Conditions
Graphene-enhanced electrodes for scalable supercapacitors