Karan Jutlla
Senior Lecturer
Montfort University
United Kingdom
Karan Jutlla has completed her PhD in 2011 at Keele University. She has worked as a Senior Lecturer in Dementia studies at the University of Worcester for five years. She recently joined the School of Nursing and Midwifery at De Montfort University in Leicester as a Lecturer in Health and Social Care. Alongside her employment, she also works as an Independent Consultant in Dementia Care supporting services to be culturally competent. Karan Jutlla has completed her PhD in 2011 at Keele University. She has worked as a Senior Lecturer in Dementia studies at the University of Worcester for five years. She recently joined the School of Nursing and Midwifery at De Montfort University in Leicester as a Lecturer in Health and Social Care. Alongside her employment, she also works as an Independent Consultant in Dementia Care supporting services to be culturally competent.
Research Interest