Christopher Sibley
Faculty of Medicine
National Heart Lung Institute
United Kingdom
My research focuses on the collection and computational analysis of high-throughput sequencing data with a focus made on Motor Neuron Disease. This follows doctoral and post-doctoral positions within the molecular biology lab of Prof. Matthew Wood (Oxford, UK), functional genomics group of Prof. Jernej Ule (MRC-LMB and UCL, UK) and systems biology team of Dr Mike Inouye (Melbourne, Aus). More specifically, my group uses functional genomics and computational analysis to research master regulators in both post-mortem tissue and human cell models of Motor Neuron Disease. This is with the aim of identifying networks that are perturbed in disease and which contribute to the disease phenotype. Ultimately we plan to use these network models to predict interactions that might be corrected to allow phenotypic recovery. Separately, and following on from my previous studies, we are exploring disease dysregulation of the numerous un-annotated and non-canonical features of the transcriptome. This is because much remains to be learned about the biological functions, biogenesis mechanisms and the contributions to disease of these fascinating, un-conventional and CNS-enriched transcripts.
Research Interest
Motor Neuron Diseases