
Medical Sciences Experts

Koval Elrado Smith

Faculty of Medicine
National Heart Lung Institute
United Kingdom


Koval Smith is a postdoctoral researcher in the endothelial homeostasis group of the Vascular Science section of the National Heart & Lung Institute. Koval graduated from the University of Westminster in 2012 with a BSc (hons) in Human and Medical Sciences. During his degree he undertook a Wellcome Trust funded Biomedical Vacation studentship under the supervision of Dr. Stephen Getting at the University of Westminster assessing novel peptides for the treatment of steroid insensitive asthma. In 2012, Koval was awarded an MRC funded studentship to undertake an MRes in the cellular and vascular aspects of inflammation at the William Harvey Research Institute. Here his project focused on the biology of Formyl peptide receptors in adaptive immunity, using the Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) model with Prof Fulvio D’Acquisto & Prof Mauro Perretti. In 2016 Koval completed his PhD through a 3-year studentship from the National Heart and Lung Institute foundation. Supervised by Prof. Anna Randi and Dr. Richard Starke his research focused on exploring the pathways through which Von Willebrand Factor regulates angiogenesis. During his PhD Koval has presented his work at two international meetings (EVBO-ESM joint meeting, Pisa Italy and the International Vascular Biology Meeting, Boston USA) and a number of local meetings held in London UK.

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Human and Medical Sciences

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