Mark Paul-clark
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Medicine
National Heart Lung Institute
United Kingdom
Mark Paul-Clark is an in vivo pharmacologist and an accomplished researcher with a number of publications in leading journals. He has established a track record in attracting independent funding and contributes significantly to both postgraduate and undergraduate teaching. He is a member of the Athena Swan self assessment team and is repsonsible for increaseing the awareness, visability and network connections for parents and carrers within the Department of Medicine. Dr Paul-Clark's research focuses upon understanding the process of inflammation with a particular interest in how oxidants signal in physiology and pathophysiology. More specifically his research is focused on how exogenous oxidants effect the innate immune systems such as reponses to pattern recognition receptors. His group use a 'multi-omic' approach to assess and startify how diseases such as chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular disease effects innate immune responses in man. He completed his PhD with Professor Derek Willoughby before joining Professor Roderick Flower and Professor Mauro Perretti for his postdoctoral training. In 2002 Dr Paul-Clark Joined Professor Jane Mitchell's group to study the role of pattern recognition receptors, including Toll like receptors, in inflammation. Since this time Dr Paul-Clark was awarded a Research Fellowship from the British Lung Foundation and a University award from the Wellcome Trust, and is now a lecturer within Cardiothoracic Pharmacology.
Research Interest
Ross CL, Galloway-Phillipps N, Armstrong PC, et al., 2015, Protocol for a human in vivo model of acute cigarette smoke inhalation challenge in smokers with COPD: monitoring the nasal and systemic immune response using a network biology approach, Bmj Open, Vol:5, ISSN:2044-6055
Ross CL, Galloway-Phillipps N, Armstrong PC, et al., 2015, Protocol for a human in vivo model of acute cigarette smoke inhalation challenge in smokers with COPD: monitoring the nasal and systemic immune response using a network biology approach, Bmj Open, Vol:5, ISSN:2044-6055
Parzych K, Zetterqvist AV, Wright WR, et al., 2017, Differential role of pannexin-1/ATP/P2X(7) axis in IL-1 beta release by human monocytes, Faseb Journal, Vol:31, ISSN:0892-6638, Pages:2439-2445