Sarah Blagden
Faculty of Medicine
National Heart Lung Institute
United Kingdom
Consultant in Medical Oncology and Academic Senior Lecturer Qualifications and Personal History Medical Degree (MBBS) Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, University of London 1994 PhD (as CRUK Clinical Fellow) 2004 awarded by Cambridge University Joined Imperial College as Senior Lecturer in June 2006 Co-founded Phase I Oncology Trials Unit at Imperial College 2007 Awarded fellowship of Royal College Physicians 2010 Founded LARP Society 2010 - click here for LARP Society website Laboratory Research Interests We have identified the RNA-binding protein called LARP1 as being involved in the post-transcriptional regulation of cancer. We have subsequently extended this work to other proteins that affect mRNA translation and how their dysregulation can affect aspects of cancer behaviour, particularlarly chemotherapy resistance. Our team is based in the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology (IRDB), Hammersmith Campus.
Research Interest
Medical Oncology