
Environmental Sciences Experts

Dr Sven Lahme

Research Associate
Natural and Environmental Sciences
New Castle University
United Kingdom


Education 2010-2013 PhD candidate General and Molecular Microbiology Group of Prof. Ralf Rabus, ICBM Oldenburg (Germany) and Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Bremen (Germany) PhD thesis title: “Physiological and Molecular Investigation of the Anaerobic 4-Methylbenzoate and Benzoate Degradation in Magnetospirillum sp. Strain pMbN1“ Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus 2004-2009 Studies in biology at University of Bremen (Topics: Microbiology, cell biology and biochemistry) Diploma thesis title: “Cultivation of the Denitrifying Bacterium “Aromatoleum aromaticum“ strain EbN1 in Anoxic Chemostats: Acetate-limited Growth and the Induction of Benzoate Utilization“ Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Widdel and Prof. Dr. Ralf Rabus Previous projects and appointments since 2016 Marie Curie Early Career Research Fellow, Geomicrobiology Group, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, United Kingdom 2014-2016 Research Associate, Geomicrobiology Group, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, United Kingdom 2010-2013 Research assistant, ICBM Oldenburg (Germany) and Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Bremen (Germany), DFG priority project 1319 “Biological transformations of hydrocarbons without oxygen: from the molecular to the global scale“ 2007-2009 Student assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Bremen Memberships German Association for General and Applied Microbiology - VAAM Society of Applied Microbiology - SfAM

Research Interest

Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) Souring and souring mitigation strategies Microbial redox processes: S and N cycles Microbial mineral interactions Anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation Microbial metabolism: Physiology, genomic, gene expression and regulation


  • Trautwein K, Lahme S, Wöhlbrand L, Feenders C, Mangelsdorf K, Harder J, Steinbüchel A, Blasius B, Reinhardt R, Rabus R. Physiological and proteomic adaptation of "Aromatoleum aromaticum" EbN1 to low growth rates in benzoate-limited, anoxic chemostats. Journal of Bacteriology 2012, 194(9), 2165-2180.

  • Lahme S, Harder J, Rabus R. Anaerobic degradation of 4-methylbenzoate by a newly isolated denitrifying bacterium, strain pMbN1. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2012, 78(5), 1606-1610.

  • Lahme S, Eberlein C, Jarling R, Kube M, Boll M, Wilkes H, Reinhardt R, Rabus R. Anaerobic degradation of 4-methylbenzoate via a specific 4-methylbenzoyl-CoA pathway. Environmental Microbiology 2012, 14(5), 1118-1132.

  • Lahme S, Trautwein K, Strijkstra A, Dörries M, Wöhlbrand L, Rabus R. Benzoate mediates the simultaneous repression of anaerobic 4-methylbenzoate and succinate utilization in Magnetospirillum sp. strain pMbN1. BMC Microbiology 2014, 14, 14.

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