Craig Moore
Associate Dean for Internationalisation
Business development
Northumbria University
United Kingdom
As the Associate Dean for Internationalisation for Faculty of Arts, Design and Social Sciences, Craig is responsible for the School’s Internationalisation agenda, including international student recruitment, exchanges and international curriculum development. Craig MooreHe also has responsibility for regional business development, including short courses, enterprise activities and liaison with external organisations. Through his role as Head of Research at the Centre for Public Policy, Craig gained experience in developing external relations with the public and private sectors, developing partnership arrangements, short course development for the international market, student placements, and working with diverse communities. Craig has managed large research projects at regional, national and European levels. His research interests include transport and social inclusion, migration, regeneration, community cohesion and new governance practices.
Research Interest
Arts, Design and Social Sciences
(2007) Dodgson, M, Archer, A and Moore, C. “Youth Music Initiativeâ€. Research report for the Scottish Executive/Arts Council Scotland.
(2007) O’Donnell, A, Smith, L and Moore C. Political Engagement amongst BME groups in Scotland. Research report for the Commission for Racial Equality.
(2007) Purvis, A, Lowrey, J and Moore, C. DWP IDT Implementation Analysis. Research Report for the Department for Work and Pensions.