Edna Sadayo Miazato Iwamura
Visiting Researcher Fellow
Applied Sciences
Northumbria University
United Kingdom
Dr Edna Sadayo Miazato Iwamura is a Visiting Researcher Fellow in the department of Applies Sciences. Hls Profile Dr Edna IwamuraDr Edna Iwamura graduated in Biology from Mackenzie Presbyterian University—one of the oldest institutions of higher education in Brazil. From 1988 to 2007, she was a member of the Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo (FMUSP), contributing to research in structural biology and apoptosis, completing a Masters with the Institute of Biomedical Sciences in 1995, and leading the undergraduate course in forensic biology and histopathology at the Hospital das Clinicas, completing a PhD in Forensic Genetics in 2003 and a specialization in Bioethics in 2004 at FMUSP. From 2004 to 2007, Edna was responsible for genetic identity testing in the São Paulo Central Radioimmunoassay Laboratory and in 2007 she was appointed Associate Professor in the Escola Paulista de Medicina where she leads research in the Molecular Pathology Laboratory. Founded in 1933, the School is part of the Federal University of São Paulo. Edna has participated in training at the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory (AFDIL), Rockville, MD, USA in 1998 in Human Identification. Has also participated as a speaker at the International Symposium on Bioethics organized by UNESCO in Paris, France in 2001. Member of Brazilian Society of Genetics and International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG), since 2005. In 2013 was President of the IV Brazilian Congress of Forensic Genetics held at the Memorial da América Latina in São Paulo, Brazil.
Research Interest
Prof Edna Iwamura has studied molecular biology themes —as it relates both to targeted therapies and to population genetic markers of forensic interest—with the aim of improving methods in investigative pathology and human identification. Edna has published widely in both the clinical and forensic science literature.
Funabashi, Karina S. ; Barcelos, D. ; Visona, I. ; Silva, Marcelo Souza ; Sousa, M.L.A.P.O. ; Franco, M. F.; Iwamura, E. S.M. DNA extraction and molecular analysis of non-tumoral liver, spleen, and brain from autopsy samples: The effect of formalin fixation and paraffin embedding. Pathology, Research and Practice , v. 208, p. 584-591, 2012.
Sousa, M L A P O, Oliveira, M A T ; Auler-Bittencout, E A. ;Soares-vieira, J A ; Munoz, D R ; Iwamura, E S M . Population data of 16 autosomalSTR loci of the Powerplex ESX 17 System in a Brazilian Population from the State of São Paulo. Forensic Science International.Genetics, v. 11, p. e15-e17, 2014.
Auler-Bittencourt E, Iwamura E S M, Mitraud Lima, M J, Guerreiro da Silva I D C , dos Santos S E B Exploring the applicability of analysing X chromosome STRs in Brazilian admixed population Published Online: April 10, 2015 Sep;55(5):323-8.