Jiang Richard
Senior Lecturer
Computer and Information Sciences
Northumbria UNIVERSITY
United Kingdom
Jiang Richard is a Senior Lecturer in Computer and Information Sciences at Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK. His research interest primarily resides in the fields of Biometrics, Cognitive Computing, Microscopic Pathology, and Financial Computing. He is a Fellow of High Education Association (FHEA) and a Professional Member of Association of Computing Machine (MACM). He received his PhD in Computer Science at Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK, in July 2008. After his PhD study, he has been working at Brunel University, Loughborough University, Swansea University, University of Bath and University of Sheffield. He joined Northumbria in May 2013. He has authored and co-authored more than 50 referred journal and conference publications. Jiang Richard is a Senior Lecturer in Computer and Information Sciences at Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK. His research interest primarily resides in the fields of Biometrics, Cognitive Computing, Microscopic Pathology, and Financial Computing. He is a Fellow of High Education Association (FHEA) and a Professional Member of Association of Computing Machine (MACM). He received his PhD in Computer Science at Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK, in July 2008. After his PhD study, he has been working at Brunel University, Loughborough University, Swansea University, University of Bath and University of Sheffield. He joined Northumbria in May 2013. He has authored and co-authored more than 50 referred journal and conference publications.
Research Interest
Biometrics, Cognitive Computing, Microscopic Pathology, and Financial Computing. H