Quentin Hanley
Chemistry and Forensic Science
Nottingham Trent University
United Kingdom
Dr Hanley is a Reader in Analytical Chemistry and Head of Analytical Chemistry.- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer of Bioanalytical Chemistry at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill - Scientist/PDRA Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry - Research Assistant/Technician roles in Department of Environmental Health, University of Washington and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; - Other Roles: Oil Refinery Chemist, Nuclear Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator; Paper Test Technician.
Research Interest
Areas of research interest include: Fluctuation Scaling, Assay Format Design and development, Induced Assembly, Protein Aggregate Enumeration, Chemical Education, Multiplexing, Analytical Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging, Fluorescence Lifetime and Anisotropy Imaging, Analytical Spectroscopy, Fluorescence Microscopy, Fourier and Hadamard Transform Methods, Laue Diffraction, A wide range of other related topics in the general area of analytical spectroscopy and applied biophysics are also of interest. Current and previous research encompasses diagnostic assays with fluorescence methods, applications of fluorescence lifetime and anisotropy to biological problems and plasma membrane receptors, multi-step energy transfer techniques, the statistical behaviour of large data sets and scaling problems in a wide range of disciplines (chemical analysis, crime, property, and health).
Controlled Assembly of SNAP-PNA-Fluorophore systems on DNA Templates to Produce Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer. Gholami Z and Hanley Q, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2014, 25, 1820-1828
The Nature of the Silicaphilic Fluorescence of PDMPO. Parambath M, Hanley Q, Martin-Martinez FJ, Giesa T, Buehler MJ and Perry C, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 5938-5948
Rural to urban population density scaling of crime and property transactions in English and Welsh Parliamentary Constituencies. Hanley QS, Lewis D and Ribiero HV, PLos One, 2016, 11 (2), e-0149546