
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Simon Cauvain

Principal Lecturer
School of Social Sciences
Nottingham Trent University
United Kingdom


Simon's key role is to provide academic leadership, strategic and operational management within the subject area for social work Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and children and families social work. He undertakes and supports course development, research and commercial activity within social work and across the School. He also supports the academic team leader in the operational leadership of the subject area. Simon's responsibilities include: leading the development of CPD social work and subject specialism in children and families social work overseeing and ensuring the implementation and review of all course governance associated with CPD social work working with colleagues to ensure the development of research and scholarly activity to inform the development of the qualifying social work curricula.

Research Interest

Previous research includes: attitudes of young people around the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases inner-city living and use of public spaces evaluation of a domestic abuse service. Current research includes: a national evaluation of Signs of Safety, an approach adopted by an increasing number of children and family social workers, Professor Mary Baginsky, King's College London an empirical exploration of the relationship between the new BA programme in Social Work at the University of Malawi and the development of Social Work as a profession in Malawi, with Dr Andrew Hill, University of York and two colleagues at the University of Malawi.


  • Cauvain, S (2010) Social workers do not feel valued by either their employers or the general public. Children and Young People Now magazine. October 2010.

  • Webber, S., Shaw, I., Cauvain, S., Hardy, M., Kääräinen, A., Satka, M. and Yliruka,L. (2014) W(h)ither the academy? An exploration of the role of university social work in shaping the future of social work in Europe. European Journal of Social Work. Vol 17, Issue 5.

  • Cauvain, S. (2015) Highlighting social inequality, power and oppression through learning and teaching activities in Bartoli, A., Chopping, T., Douglas, V. and Tedam, P. Embedding equality and diversity in the curriculum: a social work practitioner's guide. The Higher Education Academy.

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