Steven Godby
Programme Manager
School of Animal Rural & Environmental Sciences
Nottingham Trent University
United Kingdom
Dr Godby is the Programmes Manager for the Environment Team and Programme Leader for BSc (Honours) Geography. He teaches on the MSc Biodiversity Surveying Programme. Dr Godby is also Module Leader for: Environmental Hazards and Disaster Management, Geographical Information Systems and Spatial Analysis, Drylands: Geomorphology and Life at the Margins.
Research Interest
Areas of research interest include: Aeolian geomorphology and dryland environments, Aeolian palaeoenvironments, Nature and history of inland dunes found in Breckland, Mapping in support of humanitarian operations, particularly rapid-onset disasters, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (including GPS), Dust control in the minerals industry. Past topics supervised include: Late-Devensian coversands and ventifacts in eastern England, and tactile mapping for the blind and visually impaired. Opportunities to carry out postgraduate research towards an MPhil / PhD or MSc by research exist in all the areas identified above and in associated interdisciplinary areas.