Health & Human Sciences
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
United Kingdom
I have an extensive research background. Prior to join Plymouth University, I have worked for 2 years as a Research Fellow in the University of Nottingham (UK). I have received my PhD from the University of Greenwich where I have also worked as a post-doctoral Research Fellow for around 3 years. I have started to build my research career since 2003 through working as a Research Assistant in the City University of Hong Kong (China). Over the years, I have developed expertise in the areas of reliability and failure analysis of micro-joints under thermo-mechanical loading, numerical modelling of diffusion induced failures, thermal management solutions of power converters, dynamic behavioural analysis of compressed-air and thermal energy storage, conversion and restoration process of offshore wind and wave energies etc. I have published over 25 peer reviewed journal and conference articles. Currently, I am involved in investigating the failure mechanisms of marine composite structures.
Research Interest
My teaching interests include a wide variety of subjects, for example, Naval Architecture, Ship Stability, Resistance and Propulsion, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Advanced Materials, Failure Mechanism & Fracture Mechanics, Heat Transfer etc.