Kelly A
Arts & Humanities
Plymouth University
United Kingdom
- Social policy, social theory & approaches to social research - Politics of education, education policy & comparative education I lead a module on Researching Education Practice in the Education Doctorate and am Director of Studies for both EdD and PhD students . I am also a tutor on the MA (Education) Programme which provides practice focused masters-level study in all areas of education.
Research Interest
Research degrees awarded to supervised students LeGassick, Peter (EdD, awarded March 2016) The employment of ex-military as teachers: The military, masculinity and moral regulation (First Supervisor) Krantz, Göran (PhD, awarded December 2014) Education in dance as self-education: A hermeneutic phenomenological study (Director of Studies) Rae, Tony (PhD awarded July 2011) Wild Country Hall: Children’s learning at a residential outdoor education centre (Director of Studies)