Lynda Rodwell
Ecological Economics
United Kingdom
2001 PhD. Environmental Economics and Management. University of York, U.K. Thesis title: "Marine reserves and the enhancement of tropical fisheries". 1997 MSc. Environmental Economics and Management. University of York, U.K. Thesis title: "The effects of a biological invasion: Lake Victoria and the Nile Perch ". 1993 Postgraduate Certificate of Education, Mathematics, University of Cambridge, U.K.
Research Interest
sustainable management of the marine environment – the source of many of our natural resources and the sink for much of our waste.
Gallacher J, Simmonds N, Fellowes H, Brown N, Gill N, Clark W, Biggs C & Rodwell LD 2016 'Evaluating the success of a marine protected area: A systematic review approach' Journal of environmental management
Gall SC & Rodwell LD 2016 'Evaluating the social acceptability of Marine Protected Areas' Marine Policy 65, 30-38
Penney R, Wilson G & Rodwell L 2017 'Managing sino-ghanaian fishery relations: A political ecology approach' Marine Policy 79, 46-53