Kate Bingham
Business Development
United Kingdom
Kate has a first class degree in Biochemistry from Oxford University and graduated from Harvard Business School with an MBA (Baker Scholar).Kate currently serves or has served on the boards of companies in the UK, US, Ireland, Sweden and Germany. She has been responsible for past investments in Affinium, Alantos, Auxilium, Convergence, ESBATech, EUSA, Hexagen, Kinetix, KuDOS, Leukosite, MedNova, Micromet, Oncoethix, PowderMed, RespiVert and Vantia and current investments including Atopix, Autifony, Bicycle, Calchan, Kalvista, Karus, Kesios, Pulmocide, TopiVert and VHSquared. Kate has played an active role in setting up the new Dementia Discovery Fund (DDF) and serves on the DDF Investment Committee as well as the Investment Committees for all SV’s funds. Prior to joining SVLS, Kate worked in business development for Vertex Pharmaceuticals, a biotechnology company in Cambridge, MA and at Monitor Company, a strategy consulting firm
Research Interest
Business management