Marianne Defernez
Senior Researcher
Quadram Institute
United Kingdom
Marianne Defernez belongs to the Analytical Sciences Unit (ASU) and the overall remit of my job is the handling and analysis of high-dimensional data. Her work primarily in collaborative mode with science groups within Quadram Institute Bioscience who have mathematical, computing, or programming skill gaps. She also carry out development work of my own (ASU-led projects or external collaborations), and have responsibilities at a corporate level. Within the context of collaborative projects, she strive to ensure the rigorous exploitation of complex data and facilitate biological interpretation in a multidisciplinary environment. She have had a long-standing involvement with metabolomics data, my own background being in analytical chemistry. However, she currently contribute to projects involving a broad range of data types, and develop tailored analyses e.g. in response to new technical advances (an example of this is the analysis of 16sRNA microbiota data, often collated alongside metabolomics data).
Research Interest
High-dimensional data analysis, Chemometrics, programming with specialist software (e.g. Matlab, R) for implementing non-standard mathematical/ quantitative statistics approaches for data analysis, data visualization, metabolomics, spectroscopy, NMR, analytical chemistry