Social & Political Sciences

Social & Political Sciences Experts

Thorsten Lauterbach

Teaching Fellow
Law School
Robert Gordon University
United Kingdom


Thorsten Lauterbach joined the Law School as a Lecturer in September 2004 and he is now a Teaching Fellow. Prior to joining RGU, he worked as Lecturer at The University of the West of Scotland (then Paisley) for five years. Thorsten holds a BA (Hons) European Business Law (Abertay Dundee) and an LL.M. by research (Aberdeen).

Research Interest

While Thorsten undertakes regular scholarly activities in all fields of his teaching schedule in order to maintain a high level of currency and expertise within those disciplines, his main research interests concern EU Constitutional Law and Intellectual Property Law. Within the former, further EU integration by means of treaties and the effective enforcement of judgments handed down by the Court of Justice of the EU are areas he finds particularly exciting.  In addition, Thorsten contributes regularly to IP/Copyright Law-related blogs, e.g. The IPKat, as well as acting as reviewer/editor for specific journals. While he had a function editing submissions to the Journal of International Trade Law & Policy until 2010, he is currently a member of the editing team of SCRIPTed (an online journal of Law, Technology & Society). Thorsten also edits contributions to the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice.

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