
Environmental Sciences Experts

Claire Ghee

PhD Student
Ecological Sciences
Scottish Crop Research Institute
United Kingdom


Claire Ghee completed a BSc (Hons) in Earth Science and Environmental Management in 2002 at the University of the West of Scotland. Subsequently, Claire Ghee worked as an environmental consultant in both Scotland and Australia. Claire Ghee projects were diverse and included contaminated land monitoring and remediation, national park ecological surveying, environmental impact assessment and commercial mine rehabilitation. In 2009 Claire Ghee completed a Masters research degree at the University of Edinburgh. Claire Ghee research focused on the soil carbon / nitrogen dynamics and agricultural practices of remote subsistence farms in Mozambique. Claire Ghee joined the James Hutton Institute in 2010 to undertake a PhD in Biological Science and Claire Ghee is currently registered with the University of Aberdeen.

Research Interest

Claire Ghee current research is focused on the microbial response to conventional inorganic fertilisation compared to organic compost application. In addition, detailed work is being undertaken into the priming of native soil organic matter (SOM) mineralisation as a consequence of labile carbon inputs. Utilising stable isotope 13C labeling techniques, the temperature effects on SOM mineralisation and the response of priming to temperature change is under investigation.


  • Ghee, C.; Neilson, R.; Hallett, P.D.; Robinson, D.; Paterson, E., (2013) Priming is instrinsically insensitive to temperature., Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 66, 20-28.

  • Dungait, J.A.J.; Ghee, C.; Rowan, J.S.; McKenzie, B.M.; Hawes, C.; Dixon, E.R.; Paterson, E.; Hopkins, D.W., (2013) Microbial responses to the erosional redistribution of soil organic carbon in arable fields., Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 60, 195-201.

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