Jennifer Stephens
Cell and Molecular Sciences
Scottish Crop Research Institute
United Kingdom
Jennifer Stephens works at Scottish Crop Research Institute
Research Interest
Molecular Sciences
Madsen, C.T., Stephens, J., Hornyik, C., Shaw, J., Collinge, D.B., Lacomme, C. and Albrechtsen, M. 2009. Identification and characterization of barley RNA-directed RNA polymerases. Biochimica et biophysica acta 1789(5), 375-385.
Barakate, A., Stephens, J., Goldie, A., Hunter, W.N., Marshall, D., Hancock, R.D., Lapierre, C., Morreel, K., Boerjan, W. and Halpin, C. 2011. Syringyl lignin is unaltered by severe sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase suppression in tobacco. Plant Cell 23, 4492-4506.
Barakate, A., Higgins, JD., Vivera, S., Stephens, J., Perry, RM., Ramsay, L., Colas, I., Oakey, H., Waugh, R., Franklin, FCH., Armstrong, SJ. and Halpin C. 2014. The synaptonemal complex protein ZYP1 is required for imposition of meiotic crossovers in barley. Plant Cell 26 (2).