Miriam Glendell
Catchment Modeller
Environmental and Biochemical Sciences
Scottish Crop Research Institute
United Kingdom
Miriam Glendell is a catchment scientist interested in a cross-disciplinary understanding of the effects of land use on multiple ecosystem services, including water quality, freshwater biodiversity, soil conservation and carbon management in catchment systems.
Research Interest
Miriam Glendell research combines aspects of freshwater biology, hydrology, soil science and biogeochemistry to address key challenges related to the sustainable management of soils and surface water.
Glendell, M.; Extence, C.; Chadd, R.; Brazier, R.E., (2014) Testing the pressure-specific invertebrate index (PSI) as a tool for determining ecologically relevant targets for reducing sedimentation in streams., Freshwater Biology, 59, 353-367.
Glendell, M.; Brazier, R.E., (2014) Accelerated export of sediment and carbon from a landscape under intensive agriculture., Science of the Total Environment, 476-477, 643-656.
Graeber, D.; Goyenola, G.; Meerhoff, M.; Zwirnmann, E.; Ovesen, N.B.; Glendell, M.; Glebrecht, J.; Teixeira de Mello, F.; González-Bergonzoni, I.; Jeppesen, E.; Kronvang, B., (2016) Interacting effects of climate and agriculture on fluvial DOM in temperate and subtropical catchments., Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 2377-2394.