
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Dr Andrew Parker

Senior Lecturer
Organisation Studies
The Business School University of Exeter
United Kingdom


Andrew Parker joined the Business School in February 2017 as a senior lecturer in organisation studies. His research uses the lens of network theory to better understand problem solving processes, innovation, knowledge transfer, turnover and performance within organizations. He has conducted social network analysis research in over 70 multinational organizations and government agencies. He was a Senior Consultant at IBM’s Institute for Knowledge Management, a research fellow at the Network Roundtable at the University of Virginia as well as an advisor to the Knowledge and Innovation Network at Warwick Business School. In addition, he has recently been a visiting professor at MelNet, a network research group based at the University of Melbourne and a visiting professor at the University of Kentucky's LINKS Center for Social Network Analysis. His research has appeared in Science, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, Journal of Applied Psychology, Management Communication Quarterly, M@n@gement, Social Networks, Sloan Management Review, Organizational Dynamics and California Management Review. He is the co-author of The Hidden Power of Social Networks. He received his PhD from Stanford University.  

Research Interest

Social networks, Problem solving, Energizing relationships


  • Parker A, Halgin DS, Borgatti SP (2015). Dynamics of Social Capital: Effects of Performance Feedback on Network Change. Organization Studies, 37(3), 375-397.

  • Gerbasi A, Porath CL, Parker A, Spreitzer G, Cross R (2015). Destructive de-energizing relationships: How thriving buffers their effect on performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(5), 1423-1433.

  • Tippmann E, Sharkey Scott P, Parker A (2017). Boundary Capabilities in MNCs: Knowledge Transformation for Creative Solution Development. Journal of Management Studies, 54(4), 455-482.

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