
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Dr Brian Young

Honorary Research Fellow
Advertising and Consumer Psychology
The Business School University of Exeter
United Kingdom


Dr Young joined the Business School in 2009 when he taught Advertising and Consumer Psychology and Children and Youth Markets. His first research interests emerged at the University of Edinburgh where he was a member of a research team that looked at language and thinking in children and how these developed during the pre-school period. He obtained his PhD in Hong Kong in Chinese-English bilingualism and developed interests in cross-cultural psychology and how different value systems and languages can frame and influence our thoughts, feelings and behaviour. At the University of Salford he worked in a Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Psychology teaching and researching in media psychology including advertising and wrote Television Advertising and Children published by Oxford University Press in 1990. Brian arrived at the University of Exeter in 1989 and was a member of the economic and social psychology research group in the Department of Psychology until 2007. He has also been Editor of Young Consumers; a quarterly journal published by Emerald, since 2006 and is a member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of several journals including the International Journal of Advertising.  He has authored and co-authored five books and published over 80 research papers, reports and book chapters.  

Research Interest

language and thinking in children and how these developed during the pre-school period.  

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