Irem Tuna
The Prince's School of Traditional Arts
United Kingdom
Professor Ä°rem Tuna is a Professor of Accounting at London Business School and teaches classes on Financial Accounting, Corporate Governance, Corporate Communication and Investor Relations to masters and doctoral students, and Financial Statements Analysis for Executive Education. Before joining London Business School, she was on the faculty of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Proferssor Tuna’s research interests are in firm valuation, earnings quality, corporate governance, and disclosure. She has published work in a variety of journals in her field, including the Review of Accounting Studies, the Journal of Accounting Research, the Journal of Accounting and Economics, and The Accounting Review, and Contemporary Accounting Research. She is an editor at The Accounting Review, and is on the editorial boards of the Review of Accounting Studies, the Contemporary Accounting Review, the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, and European Accounting Review. She holds a PhD in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting from the University of Michigan.
Research Interest
Corporate governance, Firm valuation, Earnings management, Disclosure Accounting and contracting
Tuna I (2014) Management forecast credibility and underreaction to news Review of Accounting Studies 18: 956-986.
Tuna I (2014) Macro to micro: Country exposures firm fundamentals and stock returns Journal of Accounting and Economics 58: 1-20.
Tuna I (2014) Asset reliability and security prices Evidence from credit markets Review of Accounting Studies 19: 363-395.