Rachel Evley
Division of Clinical Neuroscience
The University of Nottingham
United Kingdom
Rachel Evley Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Nottingham,UK.
Research Interest
Drug Errors in Anaesthesia Distraction in Anaesthesia & Critical Care
WHYNES DK, MCCAHON RA, RAVENSCROFT A, HODGKINSON V, EVLEY R, HARDMAN JG. Responsiveness of the EQ-5D Health-Related Quality-of-Life Instalment in Assessing Low Back Pain VALUE IN HEALTH. 16(1), 124-132 .(2013).
JOTHIRAJ H, HOWLAND-HARRIS J, EVLEY R, MOPPETT IK. Distractions and the anaesthetist: a qualitative study of context and direction of distraction. British journal of anaesthesia. 111(3), 477-82 .(2013).
MOPPETT IK, ROWLANDS M, MANNINGS A, MORAN CG, WILES MD. LiDCO-based fluid management in patients undergoing hip fracture surgery under spinal anaesthesia: a randomized trial and systematic review BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA. 114(3), 444-459 .(2015).