
Engineering Experts

David Coley

Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
University of Bath
United Kingdom


David works for the Centres funding authorities and outside companies on projects related to the physical environment. These include sustainable building design (­with a special emphasis on school design), embodied energy, global climate change, renewable energy technologies, and energy in the National Curriculum. In tandem with this, developing advanced optimisation methods based on evolutionary principles. Coley holds various positions on a number of regional, national and international committees and bodies. These cover interests in building design, the global environment, acoustics and evolutionary computation. David works for the Centres funding authorities and outside companies on projects related to the physical environment. These include sustainable building design (­with a special emphasis on school design), embodied energy, global climate change, renewable energy technologies, and energy in the National Curriculum. In tandem with this, developing advanced optimisation methods based on evolutionary principles. Coley holds various positions on a number of regional, national and international committees and bodies. These cover interests in building design, the global environment, acoustics and evolutionary computation.

Research Interest

Coley’s Research Interest Focuses on the adaption of buildings to a future climate and the creation of a time series of example weather (on an hourly time step between now and 2080). Other research interests include Passivhaus design, post occupancy evaluation, the indoor environment, carbon accounting, and the design of buildings for future climates.

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