
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Adam Quinn

Department of Political Science and International Studies
University of Brimigham
United Kingdom


Dr Quinn joined the POLSIS Department as a Lecturer in January 2009, having previously worked as a Lecturer the University of Leicester. He obtained his doctorate at the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2008. He became Senior Lecturer in International Politics in 2013. His primary area of interest is American grand strategy, especially the relationship between America's relative power in the international system and its internal ideological debates over foreign policy. He is also interested in International Relations theory, especially realist approaches. His first book, US Foreign Policy in Context: National Ideology from the Founders to the Bush Doctrine (2010), sought to locate the National Security Strategy of the George W. Bush administration within the long-term context of American thinking about international order. Dr Quinn is currently the leader of an ESRC Seminar Series on 'The Future of American Power', which will take place during 2013-14. This is in collaboration with the LSE, Chatham House, University of Warwick and City University, London. He was convenor of the US foreign policy group of the British International Studies Association (BISA) 2008-12, and convened the US foreign policy section of the general conference of the European Consortium on Political Research (ECPR) in 2009 and 2011. He served as a trustee and executive committee member of BISA in 2010 and 2011. He was founding editor of the BISA magazine, International Studies Today, and of its USFP working group counterpart, Argentia, He is a Fellow of the Transatlantic Programme at the LSE IDEAS research centre. He is an alumnus of the US-UK Fulbright programme's Summer Institute hosted by New York University, which he attended in July-August 2009. He attended the US-UK Strategic Dialogue, co-convened by Chatham House and the Council on Foreign Relations in 2012 and 2013

Research Interest

United States foreign policy International security American history International Relations theory

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