Helen Clarke
Department: Criminology
University of Derby
United Kingdom
I teach on the BSc Criminology and also on the Criminology Joint Honours. My teaching responsibilities centre around men and women's experiences of crime and the gender dynamics of violence. I have a keen interest in the area of equality and diversity and the promotion of victim rights.
Research Interest
My research interests are in women's experiences of violent crime, particularly sexual harassment, stalking and rape. My PhD explored cultural and social understandings of sexual violence and how they may impact upon women's experiences and subsequent courses of action. My postdoctoral research investigates the tensions between feminist and Foucauldian epistemologies. I have a particular interest in 'coming out' stories from a Foucauldian perspective.
Helen Clarke (In progress). "Knickers in a Twist': The Trivialisation of Women Who Complain About Sexual Harassment in Higher Education.
Helen Clarke (In progress). "An 'A' for a Lay": Trading Sex in Return for Grades in Higher Education. Gender and Education
Helen Clarke (In progress). "It's Because it's Sexual That it Feels so Bad": Foucault, Liberal Feminist Sexual Harassment Knowledge and Sexual Harassment in Higher Education. Psychology and Feminism