Dr Nadia Campaniello
Department of Economics
University of Essex
United Kingdom
University of Essex, Department of Economics, Colchester, UK Since August 2015: Lecturer (tenure track) Norwegian Centre for Taxation, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway Since March 2017: External affiliated member IZA – Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany Since April 2015: Research Fellow University of Essex, Department of Economics, Colchester, UK Sept. 2013 – Jul. 2015: Contract Teacher Collegio Carlo Alberto, Ceris-C.N.R. (Italian National Council for Research), Moncalieri, Italy Jun. 2011 - Feb. 2013: Post-doc University of Turin, Italy Feb. 2010 – Jan. 2011: Post-doc “Master dei Talenti della Società Civile” VISITING POSITIONS March 2017: Norwegian Center for Taxation, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway February 2016: Guest Researchers Program, IZA, Bonn, Germany Feb. 2013 – Jul. 2013: Visiting researcher, Princeton University, Industrial Relations Section, New Jersey, US Summer 2012: Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, California, U.S. Summer 2010: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain
Research Interest
Public Economics Economics of Crime Labour Economics
"The causal effect of Trade on Migration: Evidence from countries of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership" Labour Economics, Vol. 30, October 2014, pp. 223–233.
Women in Crime", IZA World of Labor,105, November 2014, doi:10.15185/izawol.105 download at http://wol.iza.org/articles/women-in-crime
"Returns to Education in Criminal Organizations: Did Going to College Help Michael Corleone?" with R. Gray and G. Mastrobuoni, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 54, October 2016, pp. 242-258, doi:10.1016/j.econedurev.2016.03.003