
Genetics Experts

Dr Colin Hewitt

Department of Genetics and Genome Biology
University of Leicester
United Kingdom


Lecturer in Immunology Lecturer in Immunology

Research Interest

Members of the LILR family of immunological receptors activate and inhibit innate immune responses. Although LILRB3 is predicted to be an inhibitory receptor based on intracellular domain sequence motifs, the lack of a known ligand means that its functions in the normal immune system and any role in disease are not clear. Following a period of study leave with Prof John Trowsdale’s and Dr Des Jones in the Department of Pathology at the University of Cambridge, Colin continues to work on a project to characterise the identity of the ligand for LILRB3 and determine how its ligation affects macrophage function.


  • Walker GJ, Gleeson M, Fiona A. Wallace FA, Hewitt CRA, et al., (2009). Human T lymphocyte migration towards the supernatants of Human Rhinovirus infected airway epithelial cells: Influence of exercise and carbohydrate intake. 15, 42-59.

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