
Biomedical Sciences Experts

Dr. Ivana Celardo

Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of Leicester
United Kingdom


Career Development Fellow Career Development Fellow

Research Interest

My previous studies were aimed at the understanding of molecular basis of cancer. I focused on the regulation of class I histone deacetelase 1 (HDAC1) and in particular on the biochemical aspects of its association with nucleosome NuRD corepressor complex. The understanding of the regulation of this corepressor complex is of particular relevance since HDAC1 is up-regulated in many cancers. I also pursued my interests in cancer biology by studying the involvement of the p53 family member, p63, in tumorigenesis. This led to the identification of novel downstream targets of p63, which mediate p63 tumor suppression function.


  • Ivana Celardo, Milena De Nicola, Corrado Mandoli, Jens Z Pedersen, Enrico Traversa, et al., (2011). Ce3+ ions determine redox-dependent anti-apoptotic effect of cerium oxide nanoparticles. 5(6): 4537-4549.

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