
Neurology Experts

Dr Volko Straub

Department of Neuroscience
University of Leicester
United Kingdom


Lecturer Lecturer

Research Interest

My research is broadly centred on the study of neuromodulation, short- and long-term changes in neuronal networks and behavioural plasticity with a specific focus on the role of serotonin and nitric oxide. In this work, I try to integrate the use of both invertebrate (snails/slugs) and vertebrate model systems (dissociated cell and organotypic rat cortical cultures, acute brain slices) and use a range of techniques ranging from behavioural studies to electrophysiological, functional calcium imaging, immunohistochemistry and molecular methods.


  • Baily Z, Mackay C, Straub V (2017) Effects of 5HT1A and 5HT7 receptor signalling on development of rat cortical neurons. BNA 2017 Festiv Neurosci Abstr Book: P-M150.

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