Ivan Powis
University of Nottingham
United Kingdom
Professor Powis obtained his DPhil from the University of Oxford and subsequently held an EPA Cephalosporin Junior Research Fellowship at Lincoln College. He has since held positions in both Oxford and Nottingham and is currently Professor of Chemical Physics at the University of Nottingham. In 1983 he received the RSC Meldola medal and has since held both Nuffield and Leverhulme Research Fellowships. He was a Distinguished Visiting Scholar, University of Tsinghua, Beijing, P.R. China in 2002, Professor Powis obtained his DPhil from the University of Oxford and subsequently held an EPA Cephalosporin Junior Research Fellowship at Lincoln College. He has since held positions in both Oxford and Nottingham and is currently Professor of Chemical Physics at the University of Nottingham. In 1983 he received the RSC Meldola medal and has since held both Nuffield and Leverhulme Research Fellowships. He was a Distinguished Visiting Scholar, University of Tsinghua, Beijing, P.R. China in 2002,
Research Interest
Fragmentation and reaction of polyatomic molecules induced by uv-photon electronic excitation, using both experimental and computational techniques. Molecular photoionization dynamics of oriented gas-phase and adsorbed molecules and of chiral molecules. Photodissociation studies of molecular ion and neutral molecules. Application of novel mass spectrometric techniques to analysis of volatile organic molecules in breath samples.