
Business & Management Experts

Dr Ann Parkinson

Associate Professor
School of Leadership, Organisations and Behaviour
University of Reading
United Kingdom


Ann Parkinson has been associated with Henley for some twenty years, after a corporate and consulting career. This has involved teaching, supervising and mentoring MBA and DBA programme members amongst other related activities. Currently Ann is teaching the managing people and performance element of the MBA as part of her role as the Subject Area Leader for this area. Her academic interests come from practitioner experience working in change management and HR strategy in a large plc, her own research in this area. Much of her consultancy experience has been spent in Central Europe in the massive changes during the 1990s. Doctoral research area: the psychological contract and the changing nature of the employment relationship; current research interests: employee engagement, the impact of context on the role of HR. Business interests include people management and personal development in widest sense, working with organisations and individuals to develop their full potential through people. Ann has also been a Director of a small pottery company for many years since working and teaching ceramics in her early career.

Research Interest

Doctoral research area: the psychological contract and the changing nature of the employment relationship; current research interests: employee engagement, the impact of context on the role of HR. Business interests include people management and personal development in widest sense, working with organisations and individuals to develop their full potential through people.


  • Parkinson, A. (2004) Whose life is it anyway: managing the psychological contract, in Coglan D., Dromgoole, T., Joynt P., and Sorensen, P., (eds), Managers Learning in Action, Routledge

  • Parkinson A, 2011, Change and the Individual: expectations and triggers, in Managing Change: The theory and practice of strategic change; making sense of how to make effective change. Colin Carnall (ed.): Henry Stewart Talks

  • Parkinson, A. and McBain, R. (2013) Putting the emotion back: exploring the role of emotion in disengagement. In: Zerbe, W.J., Ashkanasy, N.M. and Hartel, C.E.J. (eds.) Individual Sources, Dynamics, and Expressions of Emotion. Research on Emotion in Organisations, 9. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 69-85

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