Dr Federico Faloppa
Modern Languages and European Studies
University of Reading
United Kingdom
Responsibilities I am currently the Programme Director for Italian Studies in the Department of Modern Languages and European Studies. Areas of Interest My main areas of interest are focused on: History of the Italian language; sociolinguistics; discourse analysis; intercultural communication; language policy, migration and refugee studies, intellectual networks, migrant writings and Italian contemporary literature. Research grants and ongoing projects I am currently co-investigator in the ESRC-funded international network “ProLanguage - The protective role of language in global migration and mobility: language policies and practices in refugee settings (£ 131,000) and in the Horizon 2020 / Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie funded Innovative Training Networks (MSC-ITN-MULTI) “MultiMind” (100% score; £ 3.7M, of which 500K allocated to Reading). Internal grants and awards In 2016, together with my colleagues in Italian Studies at Reading, I was awarded the RUSU Outstanding contribution to Teaching Excellence Award. In 2016, I was also awarded my third University Teaching and Learning Development Fund for my innovative project From the classroom to the world: A student-led radio programme on language and migration. The previous TLDF had been awarded in 2010 and 2012, respectively for A student-let newsletter in linguistics (2010) and Exploring Modern Languages Linguistics (2012, together with my colleague Dr Chiara Ciarlo). Research groups / Centres I am currently in the Steering Committee of the Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism (CeLM), University of Reading, where I co-lead, together with my colleagues Dr Tony Capstick, the research theme on “Migration”. In the last ten years, I have collaborated with several academic and non-academic centres and institutions, among which the University of Oxford, the University of Sevilla, the University of Turin (where I have been appointed Visiting lecturer in 2015), the University of Basilicata, the University of Trieste, the University of Palermo, the CGIL trade union in Piedmont, the Azienda Sanitaria (equivalent to the NHS) in Bari, the Alexander Langer Foundation in Bozen, the NGO “NAGA” in Milan, the Journalist Association “Carta di Roma” in Rome, the Italian Cultural Institute in London. Qualifications: • Laurea (BA) in Letters and Philosophy (Turin, 1997) • PhD in Italian (University of London, 2008)
Research Interest
My research interests include: linguistic construction and representation of otherness; language and power; language policies; language and migration; migrant writings; intercultural communication; miscommunication in multilingual contexts; migration, healthcare and language.
Faloppa, F. (2016) Per un linguaggio non razzista. In: Aime, M. (ed.) Contro il razzismo. Quattro ragionamenti. Giulio Einaudi Editore, Turin, pp. 69-123. ISBN 9788806229535
Faloppa, F. (2016) Sotto il dialetto, niente - Se la Lega smette di parlare il dialetto (ma lo ha mai parlato veramente?). Nuova Rivista Letteraria (4). pp. 50-57.
Faloppa, F. (2017) Rimuovere razza dalla Costituzione? Alcune riflessioni linguistiche. In: No razza. Cellule e genomi (XV corso). IBIS Edizioni, Como - Pavia. (In Press)