Alan Brown
Employment Research
The University of Warwick
United Kingdom
Previously Alan was a researcher at Chelsea (now King's) College, University of London; Tavistock Institute for Human Relations; and Department of Educational Studies, University of Surrey. Academic qualifications: B.Sc. University of Liverpool; DBS University of Liverpool; M.Sc. (Econ) London School of Economics; Ph.D. University of Surrey
Research Interest
Alan joined IER in 1996 and from 2002 - 2009 was Associate Director of the ESRC Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP) with responsibility for workplace learning and professional learning. My interests focus on career development; changing work-related identities; career adaptability (ability to make successful transitions and perform effectively in a range of contexts); workplace learning; learning processes (e.g. coaching and supporting the learning of others); learning across domains (practical; cognitive and affective); and computer-supported collaborative learning. I am involved in a European project (EmployID) working across a number of these areas.
Brown J. Historical Fiction or Fictionalized History? The ALAN Review [Internet]. Virginia Tech Libraries; 1998 Sep 1;26(1).
Brown AS. 1. Maternal Infection and Schizophrenia. Brown AS, Patterson PH, editors. The Origins of Schizophrenia [Internet]. Columbia University Press; 2011 Jan 31;
Brown AS, Patterson PH. Introduction. Brown AS, Patterson PH, editors. The Origins of Schizophrenia [Internet]. Columbia University Press; 2011 Jan 31;1–2.