Christian Boehning
Associate professor
School of Mathematics
The University of Warwick
United Kingdom
Christian Boehning is currently working as Associate Professor in Department Of Mathematics , University of Warwick.
Research Interest
Algebraic geometry, representation and invariant theory, derived category methods in birational geometry, birational automorphism groups
Böhning C. Derived categories of coherent sheaves on rational homogeneous manifolds. Documenta Mathematica. 2006 Jan 1;11:261-331.
Böhning C. L. Szpiro's conjecture on Gorenstein algebras in codimension 2. Journal of Algebra. 2005 Jun 15;288(2):545-55.
Böhning C. Canonical surfaces in P^ 4 and Gorenstein algebras in codimension 2. arXiv preprint math/0402369. 2004 Feb 23.