Mario Orsi
Senior Lecturer
HAS - Applied Sciences
University of West of England
United Kingdom
Qualified lecturer with recognised experience in teaching mathematics, statistics, and communication skills at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Research leader with PhD in computer modelling of biological systems and extensive publication record. Biomedical engineering graduate.
Research Interest
Molecular modelling and simulation of biological systems (especially lipid membranes).
Orsi M. Comparative assessment of the ELBA coarse-grained model for water. Molecular Physics. 2014 Jun 3;112(11):1566-76.
Ding W, Palaiokostas M, Wang W, Orsi M. Effects of lipid composition on bilayer membranes quantified by all-atom molecular dynamics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2015 Nov 24;119(49):15263-74.
Ding W, Palaiokostas M, Orsi M. Stress testing the ELBA water model. Molecular Simulation. 2016 Mar 3;42(4):337-46.