Ewan Mcgaughey
Kings College London
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Dr Ewan McGaughey joined King’s as a full time lecturer in private law in 2014, after working part-time during doctoral research since 2008. He holds degrees from King’s, the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the London School of Economics, and has taught at UCL. He is also a research associate at the University of Cambridge, Centre for Business Research. He was a Visiting Scholar at University of California, Berkeley in summer 2016. Dr Ewan McGaughey joined King’s as a full time lecturer in private law in 2014, after working part-time during doctoral research since 2008. He holds degrees from King’s, the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the London School of Economics, and has taught at UCL. He is also a research associate at the University of Cambridge, Centre for Business Research. He was a Visiting Scholar at University of California, Berkeley in summer 2016.
Research Interest
Governance of enterprise, corporate law, labour law and the social role of private law. All journal articles are freely available on SSRN as working papers.