Carolann L. Daniel
Associate Professor
Social Work
Adelphi University
United States of America
Carolann L. Daniel completed Ph.D, (2005) MSW, (1991) BA, (1987).Co-Chair, Adelphi University Diversity Committee, 2010- present Manuscript reviewer for Sage Publications, 2012-present Manuscript reviewer for Social Work Education 2009-present Manuscript Reviewer for the International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, 2010 Ad hoc reviewer for the Professional Staff Congress Faculty Development Grants (invited) 2007 Co- Chaired Social Workers for Peace and Social Justice, NASW , New York City Chapter (1999) Program Development Advisor, NEGES Foundation, Haiti Board Member, 2010-present.
Research Interest
culture, race and professionalization, diversity policies and discourse in higher education, HIV and sexuality in the Caribbean Gender, place and health.
Spooner, M., Daniel, C. & Mahoney A. (2004). Confronting the reality: An overview of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the Caribbean community. Published simultaneously as the Journal of Immgrant and Refugee Services, 2(3), 49-67. In A. Mahoney (Eds.). The health and well-being of Caribbean immigrants in the United States. (pp. 49-67). New York: Haworth Press.
Williams, C. and Daniel, C. (2007). The Caribbean. In Irwin Epstein (Eds.). The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Children Issues Worldwide. (pp. 30-48). Greewood Press.
Daniel, C. (2010). Navigating diverse landscapes. In G. Szarycz (Eds.). Research realities in the social sciences: Negotiating fieldwork dilemmas. (pp. 67-91). Cambria Press.