General Science

General Science Experts

John L. Mcmanus

President and Chief Executive Officer
business administration
United States of America


 John L. McManus. Mr. McManus began as a consultant to the Company in June 2005 as President. He became employed as our President and Chief Operating Officer in July 2006 and was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer in March 2007. Mr. McManus, who received his degree in business administration from the University of Southern California in 1986, is the founder and president of McManus Financial Consultants, Inc. (“MFC”), which provides strategic, financial and investor relations advice to senior managements and boards of directors of public companies, including advice on mergers and acquisitions. These companies have a combined value of over $25 billion. He has served as president of MFC since 1997. In addition, Mr. McManus previously served as Vice President, Finance and Strategic Planning to Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. where he had primary responsibility for restructuring Spectrum’s operations and finances, including the design of strategic and financial plans to enhance Spectrum’s corporate focus, and leading the successful implementation of these plans. The implementation of these plans led to an increase in Spectrum’s market value from $1 million to more than $125 million at the time of Mr. McManus’ departure.

Research Interest

 Spectrum’s corporate focus

Global Experts from United States of America

Global Experts in Subject

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