
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Austin Hart

Assistant Professor
School of International Service
American Academy of Dermatology
United States of America


Austin Hart is Assistant Professor of Quantitative Methods and Coordinator of the Graduate Methods Program. He specializes in the study of political behavior as well as statistical and experimental research methods. His substantive work focuses on citizens' capacity to constrain elected officials. Specifically, he examines the the criteria voters use to evaluate their representatives and the extent to which politicians can use mass communication to manipulate those criteria. In addition to his recent book, Economic Voting (Cambridge University Press), Dr. Hart's research has been published in the Journal of Politics [download: 2013 article; 2014 article] and Comparative Political Studies [download] and has been funded by competitive grants from the National Science Foundation and the TESS program (Time sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences). You can read more about Dr. Hart's research and publications at his personal website.

Research Interest

Quantitative Methods


  • Hart, Austin & Joel Middleton. 2014. "Priming under Fire: Reevaluating the Classic Media Priming Hypothesis." Journal of Politics 76(2): 581-592.

  • Hart, Austin. 2016. Economic Voting: A Campaign-Centered Theory. Cambridge University Press.

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